Workshops are a great way to improve your asana technique or learn about other aspects of yoga practice. Heather teaches thematic asana technique workshops and has produced numerous workshops for the innovative Philosophy Talks lecture series on Teacher Training programs, with subjects ranging from Tantra to Sanskrit, with leading scholars
researching the roots of Hatha Yoga from academic institutions like SOAS in London, as well as Trauma-informed Yoga, Digital Marketing Skills, Yoga and Mental Health.
Heather is currently living in Nepal where she teaches weekly classes and yoga workshops for Avata Wellness Centre in Kathmandu.

Nepal summer residency

Philosophy Talks were an inquiry into
authentic yoga practice
One of Heather Elton’s passions is yoga philosophy. She has presented numerous Philosophy Talks in conjunction as part of her Yoga Teacher Training programs in Goa, Nepal and London to contextualise yoga practice, covering subjects such as history and philosophy, anatomy and biomechanics of movement, trauma sensitive yoga, yoga practice among Indian sādhus, as well as digital marketing for yoga teachers.
The workshops below were both part of our London Teacher Training programme and offered as standalone events. Guest lecturers have included Jim Mallinson, Ian Baker, Mark Singleton, Daniela Bevilacqua, Ruth Westoby, Matthew Clark, Andrew McGonigle, Leela Miller, Norman Blair, Kat Owens, Heather Mason and Kelly McHugh.

5 Yoga Philosophy Talks with Ruth Westoby
5 Saturdays: 19 Oct 2019 – 11 Jan 2020

Yoga Philosophy Talks Part 1: The Long View – An overarching history of yoga
Sat 19 Oct 2019

Yoga Philosophy Talks Part 2: Philosophical Treaties
Sat 16 Nov 2019

Yoga Philosophy Talks Part 3: Classic Texts
Sat 23 Nov 2019

Yoga Philosophy Talks Part 4: Premodern Haṭha Yoga and its Tantric Inheritance
Sat 14 Dec 2019

Yoga Philosophy Talks Part 5: Yoga in the Modern World
Sat 11 Jan 2019