Watch and follow my practice of a Yoga Sequence for Immune Support. During the pandemic and even now, it’s important to take care of our immune system. This video introduces a practice recommended by the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune.
This video introduces posture No.1 – Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) – of the Yoga Sequence for Immune Support, recommended by the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune.
This video introduces posture no.2 – Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) – of the Yoga Sequence for Immune Support, recommended by the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune.
This Love Yoga Anatomy video with Heather Elton is all about backbending. First of all there is a vinyasa sequence that you can follow to gradually work deeper into your backbends. This is followed by some opening work using props to demonstrate techniques for finding more space and comfort for
those that find backbending a challenge.

Yoga Teacher Training
The world’s first ever Yoga TTC in collaboration with a Tibetan monastery Immersing into practice and then taking it off the mat, Tibetan monastery
Mahalaya Nepal presents their 11 amazing yoga TTC alumni, with Heather Elton, Emil Wendel, Andrew McGonigle and Annie Seymour
Words of Advice for students choosing a Yoga Teacher Training program. Nepal is probably the best place in the world to study yoga. It’s a culture of living tantra. Part 1 of 5 videos with Heather Elton about why a Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal is so special.
Words of Advice for students choosing a Yoga Teacher Training program. It should be a Calling from the Heart and a sacrifice. Teachers are extremely important. We’re teaching you how to teach yoga. Why some TTCs are more expensive that others and why get what you pay for. Part 2 of 5 videos with Heather Elton about why a Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal is so special.
Words of Advice for students choosing a Yoga Teacher Training program. The only TTC in the world situated in a Tibetan Monastery and gives you an opportunity to study yoga philosophy in sacred sites in Nepal. Part 3 of 5 videos with Heather Elton about why a Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal is so special.
Words of Advice for students choosing a Yoga Teacher Training program. What other TTC on the planet offers a guides tour of the cremation grounds with an Aghori Yogi? The Philosophy on the Road takes you on an exciting yoga adventure to visit sacred sites and have encounters with Tibetan Rinpoches, sadhus, Aghoris, and contemporary Nath yogis. Part 4 of 5 videos with Heather Elton about why a Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal is so special.
Words of Advice for students choosing a Yoga Teacher Training program. Bhakti the Art of Devotion. Part 5 of 5 videos with Heather Elton about why a Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal is so special.
Watch the whole sequence on Heather Elton’s YouTube channel.

Yogis of Nepal
Ishanath, an Aghori Nath yogi, discusses traditional Hatha Yoga as part of the Philosophy on the Road module on Heather Elton’s Yoga Teacher Training program in Nepal. We met him at Mirgasthali, the Gorakshanath Ashram, in Pashupati.
Ishanath, an Aghori Nath yogi, discusses traditional Hatha Yoga as part of the Philosophy on the Road module on Heather Elton’s Yoga Teacher Training program in Nepal. We met him at Mirgasthali, the Gorakshanath Ashram, in Pashupati.
Watch the whole sequence on Heather Elton’s YouTube channel.

Yoga Philosophy
Jim Mallinson reads from his own translation of the Gheranda Samhita and teaches the inner limbs of yoga, including meditations on the chakras and five elements. These teachings took place in 2013/14 as part of London Yoga Workshops on Heather Elton’s Yoga Teacher Training programs. Part 1 of 22.
Keeping it real. Emil Wendel discusses the importance of accepting the present moment during of his teaching of Yoga Philosophy on the Heather Elton Yoga Teacher Training program in Goa.
Watch the whole sequence on Heather Elton’s YouTube channel.

Shakti Readings
Reading #1 from Namarupa Magazine | Shakti – Introduction | Heather Elton. In this inaugural series of READINGS, Heather Elton reads from her recent article in Namarupa magazine, “Shakti: In Search of the Mother,” while in COVID-19 lockdown in Goa.
Reading #2 from Namarupa Magazine | Shakti – Introduction continued. | Heather Elton. In this inaugural series of READINGS, Heather Elton reads from the Introduction of her recent article in Namarupa magazine, “Shakti: In Search of the Mother,” while in COVID-19 lockdown in Goa.
Watch the whole sequence on Heather Elton’s YouTube channel.

Students’ Experiences
Sara La Rocca discusses her experiences on the 2019 London Yoga Teacher Training program. Yoga Teacher Training for the discerning student.
Rina Modi shares her thoughts and experiences on the 2019 London Yoga Teacher Training program. Yoga Teacher Training for the discerning student.
Olivia Bourne shares her thoughts and experiences on the 2019 London Yoga Teacher Training program. Yoga Teacher Training for the discerning student.
Beyza discusses her experiences on the 2019 London Yoga Teacher Training program. Yoga Teacher Training for the discerning student.
Aimee shares her thoughts and experiences on the 2019 London Yoga Teacher Training program. Yoga Teacher Training for the discerning student.
Yulia Yarabut shares her thoughts and experiences on the London Yoga Teacher Training program. Yoga Teacher Training for the discerning student.
Watch the whole sequence on Heather Elton’s YouTube channel.

Bhasma Yogini
A short yoga film about the wild nature of mind, our habitual patterns, and the neural pathways we journey upon that produce a dream-like mirage of experience.
When the mind is out of control we become addicted, obsessed and worked up by all sorts of things. Mudras and mantas help to focus the mind on one thing, rather than be distracted by many. If we don’t chase after thoughts, and fabricate them into stories, we can liberate them so they vanish without a trace. Then we can rest in consciousness, a state of absolute truth, clarity, and pure joy that pervades all. Moksha.
vāyur anilam amrtam athedam | bhasmāntam sharīram ||
Now breath becomes wind, the immortal, and this body may end in ashes!